My buddy Jake and I finally pulled the trigger and entered into an Enduro race in Marquette MI. I’ve been wanting to do one for a long time and finally got up the courage to do it. The 7 hour drive up and back was long, but it was worth it.
This was out first time in Marquette. We rode Marquette Mountain the night before using a shuttle. It was good to get an idea of the type of riding we’d be doing. It took us a few runs to really get into the mindset of the event. It was kind of tough to switch off the cross country riding we’re used to.
The event was amazing. So much fun! Everyone was super nice. Very relaxed atmosphere. The riding was intense. So much more downhill than what I’m used to. My dropper post definitely came into good use. This was a perfect event for me as it was single track downhill segments. I’m not a jumper at all, so the technical stuff was right up my alley. I hear the Open class had more jumps, so I will stay away from that.
Since we only rode one segment the night before, we went into the remaining 3 segments completely blind. I like riding like that, but it makes you ride a bit more cautiously. We probably could have shaved some seconds off if we knew the courses. For the Men’s Sport class of 26 … I ended up in 11th and Jake was 17th.
So check out the video. It’s a long one, but I wanted to capture as much as I could about the event and explain how it works.