2020 E.D.G.e Rides!

Join D&D Bikes ambassadors Emily, Darin and Greg for some Singletrack fun!

All Friday night rides are intermediate and up, adult no-drop rides with ability groups based on the riders that show.

6/19 Brewery Gravel ride – 6pm meet at the Milford YMCA

7/10 Pontiac Rec – 6pm meet at trailhead

7/18 Edge Family Ride @DTE – 1pm – meet at the Cassidy Rd parking lot. All ages ride. DTE family rides are geared to be a family get together to meet up and ride with others at your own pace. Many different groups will head out for different distances and abilities.

7/24 Highland Rec – 6pm meet at trailhead Cancelled

8/1 Edge Family Ride @DTE – 1pm – meet at the Cassidy Rd parking lot. All ages. DTE family rides are geared to be a family get together to meet up and ride with others at your own pace. Many different groups will head out for different distances and abilities.

8/7 Pontiac Rec- 6pm meet at trailhead

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